Thursday, May 27, 2010

Literal Vs Natural Translation

Well, I am working on translating the dialogue and, I can't decide on translating it literally or naturally?

What I mean is, if I translate it literally, I simply translate the dialogue word for word without coming up with a natural translation. Translating it naturally means I consider what would be naturally said in that particular situation. I try my best to consider the personality of the character and the general theme of the story to get a feel for what the character is saying as an equivalent in English. I imagine this is sort of what an actress/actor would do when playing a character in a play.

Do you give an example of what I mean, I will post the original Japanese with the literal translation first beneath it. Then, I will post the natural translation.

Okay, first the Literal Translation:

1.) 何だスパイクご機嫌斜めだな
What is it Spike you are in a bad mood huh

2.) 足元でみられたか?
  Were you even taken advantage of?

3.) うるせえ大きいなお世話だ
  Shut Up It is none of your business

Okay, Now the Natural Translation:

1.) 何だスパイクご機嫌斜めだな
What's wrong Spike, you don't look to be in a good mood

2.) 足元でもみられたか?
Did some actually get the best of you?

3.) うるせえ大きいなお世話だ
Forget it, none of your business

Well, maybe I am just not sure how to translate this accurately and properly as I am an amateur but learning. If you anyone would like to leave some pointers, please feel free to leave a message. I would love to read your suggestions.